Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The spritual healing of generosity - a way to practice.

tibetan monastery completion projectI have received so many wonderful blessings, teachings, insights and empowerments as a direct result of the activity of all who make Karma Triyana Dharmachakra possible. It is now my pleasure to introduce you to an opportunity to practice the paramita of genrosity... If you are interested in more information, please visit their effort to preserve Tibetan culture.


Alice Langholt said...

Hi Ann,
I just wanted to thank you for sharing your insights on Reiki. I have recently been attuned to Reiki II and have been practicing sending distance Reiki and energy to my family and friends daily. I started a blog, and would like to invite you and anyone interested to come and read about my journey, and lend comments, feedback or advice wherever one feels guided to. http://reikiawakening.blogspot.com/

Andrew Richard Rector said...

Hi I really love your blog. I am a huge believer in tapping intuition and positive energy. Check out Dr. Judith Orloff's book Guide to Intuitive Healing at www.drjudithorloff.com. She's a psychiatrist who specializes in intuition, an unusual combination. You two are on the same wavelength.

Alice Langholt said...

Thanks for the suggestion, Ann. I'll be sure to check it out. Thanks also for the compliment on my blog. I've since taken the Reiki Master level training, and am deepening my Reiki practice, and open to more learning and furthering my experiences with Reiki.

Unknown said...

I really enjoy your energy healing blogs--- and Reiki!

Reiki Energy Healing

Energy Wounds: What are they? How do they happen? How can we treat them?

What Are Energy Wounds?   An energy wound is any kind of damage to our Human Energy System (HES). We can identify energy wounds by their sym...