The idea of creating, or co-creating reality is very important, perhaps crucial at this time. I am hoping all Energy Healers will begin to practice a visualization to accompany this meditation. If we begin now, I am sure the collective energy of our thinking will be of great value.
The meditation is my work, I wrote it to accompany the purchase the Moon Poured Money candles I have been making for many years. I offer you the benefit of the meditation, but retain the copyright.
I am hoping that if we all start now.. affirming wealth & practicing generosity to the best of our ability.. whether we give time, talent or treasure.. we will turn the tide of panic, anxiety, and the downward economic spiral to an even keel.
Money comes to me easily.
I prosper at everything I do
I have money in the bank, money in my pockets, money to spend & money to share.
I am one with infinite supply.
I am wealthy. I am generous.
I am comfortable and secure because I always have plenty of money. I am fortunate, blessed with abundance.
There is no limit to my wealth & for this, I am grateful.
Of course, you may or may not feel these words to be true. However, to change today, we must affirm today that we have all we seek. If we affirm for tomorrow - which never comes - we shall remain empty handed.
I wish us all every blessing. Help your neighbor, comfort a friend, share a meal.... Generosity is the antidote to poverty of all kinds.
Ever forward!